1st Semester Class – XI
Education Syllabus
Introduction to Education
Group – A: Introduction to Education
Unit-I: Meaning Concept & Aims of Education
a) Meaning of Education: Meaning, Concept and Definition of Education.Nature and Scope of Education, Narrow and Wider Concept of Education.
b) Aims of Education: Individualistic and Socialistic Aims of Education, Specific Aims of Education: Constitutional Values (Democracy and Secularism),
c) Factors of Education: Learner, Teacher, Curriculum and Environment.
Unit-II: Forms & Agencies of Education
a) Forms of Education: Formal, Informal, Non-formal (Meaning, Concept, Characteristics, Need, Role, Limitation).
b) Agencies of Education: School, Family, Mass Media, Newspaper, TV, Radio, Cinema, Internet, Library, Religious Institutions, Open School, Open University (Role only).
c) Guiding Agencies of Education: NCERT, SCERT, DIET, NCTE, UGC, UNESCO (Mention only).
Group – B: Philosophical & Sociological Perspective in Education
Unit – I: Education & Philosophy
a) Meaning of Educational Philosophy: Needs for Educational Philosophy, Relationship between Education and Philosophy.
b) Schools of Indian Philosophy: Astika and Nastika – Naya, Vedanta, Buddhism and Islam – Basic Principles and Educational Implications (With Special Reference to Metaphysics, Epistemology, Axiology).
c) Western Schools of Philosophy: Idealism, Realism, Naturalism and Pragmatism (Basic Principles and Educational Implications).
Unit-II: Education & Society
a) Meaning of Educational Sociology: Needs for Educational Sociology, Relationship between Education and Sociology.
b) Social Organization and Social Structure: Folkways, Mores and Social Groups & Social Mobility.
c) Culture and Education: Social and Cultural Change, Role of Education regarding these.
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