Gyan Jyoti Coaching Center

তোমাদের উজ্বল ভবিষ্যৎ গড়ে তুলব আমরা, এটাই আমাদের প্রতিশ্রুতি

Open The Door To Endless Learning

আমাদের সাথে তোমাদের প্রতি একটি অবিচ্ছিন্ন প্রতিশ্রুতি আছে – সর্বোত্তম শিক্ষার অভ্যন্তরে প্রবেশের পথে তোমাদের সহায়তা করা। আমরা তোমাদের জন্যে একটি অবিচ্ছিন্ন সম্পর্ক সৃষ্টি করতে প্রতিশ্রুতিবদ্ধ। তোমাদের প্রতি আমাদের কঠোর পরিশ্রম এবং আনুগত্য পরিবেশন তৈরি করা হয়েছে যাতে তোমরা তোমাদের লক্ষ্যে সাফল্য অর্জন করতে পারো। আমরা তোমাদের শিক্ষার্থী জীবনের প্রতিটি দিকে সাথে থাকতে আবার তোমাদের সাফল্যের জন্যে একে অপরকে সাহায্য করতে প্রস্তুত। একে অপরের সাথে ভাগ করা, আমাদের সম্পর্ককে আরও প্রতিষ্ঠিত করে তুলে আনে এবং আমাদের সম্প্রদায়কে একসাথে বিশ্বাস এবং সমর্থন অনুভব করায় অনুপ্রেরণা জন্মায়।

আমাদের সম্পর্কে আরও জানতে নীচের বোতামে ক্লিক করুন

Library For Students

The student library offers diverse resources for learning, including books, digital materials, and collaborative spaces. It fosters exploration, critical thinking, and academic growth, enhancing students' educational experiences.

Our Teachers

Our teachers possess exceptional teaching skills. They are prepared and capable of providing inspiration and support to students. They uphold the moral integrity of education and are committed to the students' advancement.

Online Class Rooms

Our online classrooms are exceptional, offering a seamless blend of technology and pedagogy. With interactive features, multimedia content, and dedicated support, they provide an enriching and engaging learning environment for students.


Our online help is quick and reliable. We cover many subjects and give clear answers, helping you feel confident and do well in your studies.

Quality Notes

Our notes, provided by our teachers, are really good! They're clear, easy to understand, and cover everything you need to know. They help you learn quickly and do well in your studies.

Let's Explore Our Blogs

Explore our blog section for valuable insights and tips on enhancing your knowledge…



Founder & CEO
With 20 years of experience, Nitish Sir is a passionate History educator dedicated to bringing the past to life. Specializing in ancient civilizations to modern world History, his dynamic teaching style fosters critical thinking and empathy. Join his class for an engaging journey through the annals of time and discover the relevance of history in today's world.
English Teacher


English Teacher
As a professional English teacher, Bikki Sir has left a lasting impact on countless students' lives. His teaching philosophy emphasizes understanding over memorization, fostering critical thinking and lifelong learning. Join Bikki Sir's class to experience engaging and meaningful English education that goes beyond the textbooks...


English Teacher
An outstanding English teacher known for her passion and expertise in the subject. With her innovative teaching methods and dedication, Miss Moumita inspires her students to excel in language and literature. Join her class for an enriching educational journey where learning English becomes both enjoyable and rewarding.


Education Teacher
Renowned for her excellence in teaching the subject of Education, Miss Eyasmin captivates students with her exceptional approach to learning. With her exemplary teaching methods and commitment to excellence, Miss Eyasmin creates an enriching learning environment for her students. Join her class to experience her exceptional approach to education, where every lesson is engaging, insightful, and inspiring.


Bengali Teacher
A highly skilled Bengali teacher renowned for her expertise and dedication to her craft. Mrs. Daliya's passion for the Bengali language inspires students to delve deep into its rich cultural heritage and linguistic nuances. Join her class for an immersive and rewarding journey through the vibrant world of Bengali literature and language.


Administrative Assistant
Serving as an essential member of our institute's administrative team, Mr. Vijay excels in his role as an Administrative Assistant. With meticulous attention to detail and a proactive approach, he efficiently handles a wide range of administrative tasks to ensure the smooth operation of our institute.
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Sukanta Sarker

Geography Teacher
Sukanta Sarker is a dedicated geography teacher known for his passion for the subject and his engaging teaching style. With years of experience, he has developed a deep understanding of geographical concepts and is skilled at making complex topics accessible to students. His commitment to excellence and his ability to inspire students make him a valuable asset to the institute.

Shyam Paul

History Teacher
Shyam Paul is a dedicated history teacher at our institute. He has a passion for bringing the past to life and engaging students in the fascinating stories of history. With his deep knowledge and engaging teaching style, he makes learning about the past both enjoyable and enlightening for his students.
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